Signering i Taiwan planerad!
Killarna ska alltså ge en skivsignering i Taiwan (The Wall) den 4/5 med start kl 19.30.
Källa: Tokio Hotel Taiwan.
dom också?? Coolt =) Önskar vi får en till nån dag som sagt =D
ÅHH, lyckostar =D <3 VIll också ha en signering, haha .. Synd man inte kunde åka dit ^^ =D hade inte vart helt fel ;)
Oh, new Signing Session-date and is planned. Fun ))
Det går rykten om att David Jost har lämnat TH för han inte ser någon framtid för dem.. Oo det är rykten eller hur? Det kan väl inte stämma?
"Inte ser någon framtid med dem"? Ingen vet än om det är sant eller inte att han har lämnat dem men självklart gör han andra jobb när killarna inte är i studion. Han är fortfarande med i deras team så vitt vi vet, han var dessutom på deras sista konsert i Paris.
Citat från SaltyWench @ THUS:
"Jost is one of three managers, one of four producers and one of six songwriters for the band. His job before all the boys turned 18 was to be their babysitter/legal guardian out on the road and once everyone was legal he became one of their managers instead. Benjie is the one who travels with them now while Jost works in LA. He spent a year here polishing the boys album and working on music collaborations like 'strange' that would get the boys more notice and help break them into this market. He has also worked independently as a songwriter producer with these same artists and others once the Humanoid album was finished and he had free time to work on his own career as well as that of the boys.
His main job is to write, polish and record with the band now. He is the manager in charge of music for lack of a better term; and while the boys aren't currently in the studio of course he will be exploring other opportunities. The boys have reached the stage in their careers where they may wish to cut all of their old songwriters loose and try writing completely for themselves. If this is the case we should all be wishing them the best and good luck. Writing music is HARD.
If, and that's a big if, David decides to stay in LA and continue like he is as a free lance producer the decision will be amicable and I'm certain we will all wish him well. There will be absolutely nothing stopping him from coming back and working with the boys when they are ready to jump back into the studio.
They are like family, and like all families with children, they will eventually grow up and move on. It isn't anything to stress out about. The rumors that Dave is somehow abandoning ship are absolutely ridiculous. This is a music business, and if there isn't any work for you you go off and find some. No matter what happens, no one is abandoning anybody."
och den där "nyheten" om att Jost har slutat i deras team kom från en Polsk sida som sa att det har spekulerats i Tysk media om det (ingt vi har läst nått om ;) så jag tvivlar på att det är sant....